2011, Grupo Guayacán, Inc. proudly celebrated its 15th anniversary. It was 1996 the year when a team of talented individuals led by Enrique Adsuar (RIP) and the Government Development Bank for Puerto Rico gave shape to this initiative as a private-sector driven, non-profit corporation, whose mission was to foster, promote and develop a vibrant
market for private equity in Puerto Rico together with a rapidly growing community of global entrepreneurs and global ventures. They have since pursued an ambitious course of action continuously leveraging their resources to grow Puerto Rico’s entrepreneurial eco-system. This important milestone is a testament to both the vision of their founders and the hard work and unwavering commitment of their staff, Board of Directors, investors and supporters. This has been fundamental, definitive work. It has been consistently challenging but ultimately rewarding. The private equity market and the entrepreneurial capacity and ventures the initiative has helped foster over the years continue to broadly impact multiple sectors of Puerto Rico’s society today. Their successes rest on the shoulders of the many investors, grantors, sponsors and volunteers who from the beginning have promoted their mission and embodied their vision for high impact entrepreneurship and private equity in Puerto Rico. They take this opportunity to thank these stake-holders for their steadfast support and unbridled determination as we seek to continue upgrading Puerto Rico’s entrepreneurial infrastructure. The 2010-2011 Corporate Brief presents a highaltitude view of what they have accomplished over the past two years including tangible results and future milestones for each of their entrepreneurial initiatives. Here, they communicate their continued commitment to the development of a vibrant private equity market, the development of a new generation of successful entrepreneurs as well as to support the growth of existing entrepreneurial ventures in Puerto Rico.