All investors in united-kingdom with biomass-energy market

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Investor nameInvestor typeLocationMarketsLinkedinEmailDetails
Michelle RobsonInvestment Partner, VC, Private Equity Firm, Venture Capital, InvestorLondon, England, United KingdomRebel acquired by Salesforce, Water Purification, TransportationGet dataGet dataDetails
Michelle GouveiaVenture Capital, Accelerator, Investor, VC, Private Equity FirmLondon, England, United KingdomInformation Technology, Software, AppsGet dataGet dataDetails
Kosuke KobayashiVenture Capital, Investor, VCUnited KingdomTransportation, Innovation Management, EnergyGet dataGet dataDetails
Kevin EggersVenture Capital, Investor, VC, Private Equity Firm, Investment PartnerLondon, England, United KingdomTransportation, Innovation Management, EnergyGet dataGet dataDetails
Andrew HinklyVenture Capital, Founder, Investor, VC, Private Equity Firm, Investment PartnerLondon, England, United KingdomTransportation, Innovation Management, EnergyGet dataGet dataDetails
Victor Mu�EozPrivate Equity FirmLondon, United KingdomEnergy, Oil and Gas, Supply Chain ManagementGet dataGet dataDetails
Meryem CherifVenture Capital, Investor, VC, Private Equity Firm, Investment PartnerEngland, United KingdomTransportation, Innovation Management, EnergyGet dataGet dataDetails
Scott MackinPrivate Equity FirmLondon, England, United KingdomEnergy, Oil and Gas, Supply Chain ManagementGet dataGet dataDetails
Robin TuckerAngel/IndividualOxfordshire, Oxfordshire, United KingdomBiomass Energy, Clean Energy, Electrical DistributionGet dataGet dataDetails
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