All investors in united-kingdom with electronic-health-record-(ehr) market

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Investor nameInvestor typeLocationMarketsLinkedinEmailDetails
Mato PericInvestment Partner, Angel/Individual, Angel, InvestorLondon, England, United KingdomFinance, Payments, Financial ServicesGet dataGet dataDetails
Sergey SheshuryakPrivate Equity FirmLondon, United KingdomArtificial Intelligence, CRM, Health CareGet dataGet dataDetails
Eugenie D`IstriaInvestor, VC, Venture Capital, Private Equity FirmLondon, England, United KingdomDigital Health, FinTech, Health & Hospital ServicesGet dataGet dataDetails
Jo DaltonAngel, CEO, Investor, Strategy Operator, VC, Marketing Operator, Product Operator, Finance Operator, Micro VCUnited KingdomEnterprise, Enterprise Applications, Enterprise InfrastructureGet dataGet dataDetails
Penny HarrisAngel/Individual, Angel, Founder, InvestorNorthiam, England, United KingdomHealth Care, Medical, Mobile AppsGet dataGet dataDetails
Gemma ShamblerAngel/IndividualLondon, England, United KingdomAnalytics, Business Intelligence, ComputerGet dataGet dataDetails
Andrew PoesasteMicro VCLondon, United KingdomArtificial Intelligence, Computer Vision, Machine LearningGet dataGet dataDetails
Cameron McLainInvestment Partner, Angel/Individual, Founder, Investor, VC, Venture Capital, Private Equity Firm, Micro VCEngland, United KingdomFinancial Services, Health Care, Electronic Health Record (EHR)Get dataGet dataDetails
James BalmainAngel/IndividualLondon, England, United KingdomElectronic Health Record (EHR), Health Care, mHealthGet dataGet dataDetails
Aman GheiVenture Capital, Investor, VC, Private Equity FirmUnited KingdomFinance, Information Technology, PaymentsGet dataGet dataDetails
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