All investors in london with immediately-acquired-by-new-relic market

The largest database of london with immediately-acquired-by-new-relic market on the internet. You can try using Angel Match for free below. Premium data & filtering are redacted until you subscribe.

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Investor nameInvestor typeLocationMarketsLinkedinEmailDetails
Charles MindenhallAngel/Individual, Venture Capital, Private Equity FirmLondon, England, United KingdomVenture Capital, Integrate acquired by Audax Private Equity, Google AppsGet dataGet dataDetails
Caroline TosbathInvestor, Operator, VC, Venture Capital, Private Equity Firm, Entrepreneurship ProgramLondon, England, United KingdomConsumer Health, Consumer Internet, Creator/Passion EconomyGet dataGet dataDetails
Jamie WardAngel/IndividualLondon, England, United KingdomClean Technology, Consumer Internet, Enterprise SoftwareGet dataGet dataDetails
Vidu ShanmugarajahInvestor, VC, Venture Capital, Private Equity Firm, Finance Operator, Entrepreneurship ProgramLondon, England, United KingdomAI, BioTech, Cloud InfrastructureGet dataGet dataDetails
Karthic JayaramanAngel/Individual, Private Equity FirmLondon, England, United KingdomFinancial Services, Integrate acquired by Audax Private Equity, Impact InvestingGet dataGet dataDetails
Paul ShanleyAngel/IndividualLondon, England, United KingdomEngland, Google Apps, Planetly acquired by OneTrustGet dataGet dataDetails
Adrien FaureAngel/IndividualLondon, England, United KingdomInvestment Management, Rebel acquired by Salesforce, Immediately acquired by New RelicGet dataGet dataDetails
Samuel MiskiewiczAngel/IndividualLondon, England, United KingdomMarket Research, Optify acquired by Marketo, Xoom acquired by PayPalGet dataGet dataDetails
Jeremy HelsbyAngel/IndividualLondon, England, United KingdomFinTech, Real Estate, Rental PropertyGet dataGet dataDetails
Alex SantosAngel/IndividualLondon, England, United KingdomInformation Technology, Internet, MarketingGet dataGet dataDetails
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