All investors in istanbul with information-technology market

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Investor nameInvestor typeLocationMarketsLinkedinEmailDetails
Kenan ColpanAngel/Individual, Venture Capital, Private Equity Firm, Investment Partner, Entrepreneurship ProgramIstanbul, Istanbul Province, TurkeyFood and Beverage, Artificial Intelligence, Machine LearningGet dataGet dataDetails
Can IkinciPrivate Equity FirmIstanbul, Istanbul Province, TurkeyCasual Games, Assisted Living, E-CommerceGet dataGet dataDetails
Yuksel DibekogluAngel/Individual, Venture CapitalIstanbul, Istanbul Province, TurkeyInformation Technology, Financial Services, Investment ManagementGet dataGet dataDetails
Ali KarabeyInvestment Partner, Angel/Individual, Venture Capital, Private Equity FirmIstanbul, Istanbul Province, TurkeyApps, Assistive Technology, Health CareGet dataGet dataDetails
Cankut DurgunAngel/IndividualIstanbul, Istanbul Province, TurkeyArtificial Intelligence, Blockchain, EthereumGet dataGet dataDetails
Ece EmreAngel/IndividualIstanbul, Istanbul Province, TurkeyE-Commerce, Logistics, Supply Chain ManagementGet dataGet dataDetails
Sezgi AbatAngel/IndividualIstanbul, Istanbul Province, TurkeyE-Commerce, Logistics, Supply Chain ManagementGet dataGet dataDetails
Numan NumanInvestment Partner, Angel/Individual, Micro VCIstanbul, Istanbul Province, TurkeyCloud Computing, Computer, DatabaseGet dataGet dataDetails
Hasan AslanobaMicro VCIstanbul, Istanbul Province, TurkeyArtificial Intelligence, Blockchain, EthereumGet dataGet dataDetails
Can Sara�EogluMicro VC, Venture CapitalIstanbul, Istanbul Province, TurkeyBitcoin, Financial Services, FinTechGet dataGet dataDetails
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