All investors in united-states with mobile-infrastructure market

The largest database of united-states with mobile-infrastructure market on the internet. You can try using Angel Match for free below. Premium data & filtering are redacted until you subscribe.

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Investor nameInvestor typeLocationMarketsLinkedinEmailDetails
Todd WarrenInvestor, Micro VCUnited StatesMobile Infrastructure, Information Technology, SoftwareGet dataGet dataDetails
Philipp StaufferAngel/Individual, Founder, Investor, Venture Capital, Strategy Operator, Investment PartnerSan Francisco, California, United StatesInternet, SaaS, AnalyticsGet dataGet dataDetails
Deepak JeevankumarAngel/IndividualPalo Alto, United StatesCloud Computing, Flash Storage, Mobile InfrastructureGet dataGet dataDetails
Brian LongAngel/Individual, Founder, Investor, Venture Capital, Private Equity FirmPalo Alto, California, United StatesAdvertising, Mobile, Health Care Information TechnologyGet dataGet dataDetails
Binh TranInvestment Partner, Angel/Individual, Investor, Venture CapitalSurrey, California, United StatesB2B, Information Technology, Financial ServicesGet dataGet dataDetails
Jesse EngleAngel/IndividualHershey, Pennsylvania, United StatesFreelance, Marketplace, Women FoundedGet dataGet dataDetails
Adam D`AugelliAngel/Individual, Venture Capital, Private Equity Firm, Finance OperatorMiami, Florida, United StatesInternet TV, Mobile, InternetGet dataGet dataDetails
Bill BryantAngel/Individual, Investment PartnerSeattle, Washington, United StatesOnline Portals, Social Media, Social NetworkGet dataGet dataDetails
Jeff TannenbaumAngel/Individual, Venture Capital, CEO, InvestorUnited StatesNutrition, 3D Technology, App DiscoveryGet dataGet dataDetails
Aditya SinghAngel/Individual, Investor, Venture CapitalUnited StatesInformation Technology, Enterprise Software, MobileGet dataGet dataDetails
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