Angel Investors & Venture Capitalists in the Sirenum Acquired By Bullhorn Market

Angel Match offers a comprehensive database of investors specializing in the Sirenum Acquired By Bullhorn market. Connect with thousands of angel investors, venture capitalists, and private equity firms who focus on Sirenum Acquired By Bullhorn-related industries. Filter investors by their preferred location, investment stage, or type to find the perfect match for your business. Start your search today with Angel Match for free, or unlock advanced filtering options by subscribing.

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Investor nameInvestor typeLocationMarketsLinkedinEmailDetails
Micah MeiselAngel/IndividualNew York, United StatesInvestment Management, Consumer Software, Retail TechnologyGet dataGet dataDetails
Jim HaoFounder, Investor, Venture Capital, Private Equity Firm, Micro VCPhiladelphia, Pennsylvania, United StatesConsumer Internet, Enterprise, Venture CapitalGet dataGet dataDetails
Jed CairoAngel/Individual, Venture Capital, Micro VCNew York, United StatesFashion, Mobile Advertising, ECommerceGet dataGet dataDetails
Keith ClineAngel/Individual, Entrepreneurship Program, Founder, InvestorBoston, Massachusetts, United StatesConsumer Internet, Enterprise Software, MobileGet dataGet dataDetails
Judd MorgensternAngel/Individual, Design Operator, Investor, Venture Capital, Micro VCNew York, United StatesPayments, Mobile, Personal HealthGet dataGet dataDetails
Michael RobertsonAngel/Individual, Micro VCSan Diego, California, United StatesAndroid, Apps, iOSGet dataGet dataDetails
Greg CastleInvestment Partner, Angel/Individual, CEO, Venture Capital, Private Equity Firm, Micro VCLos Angeles, California, United StatesDigital Media, Augmented Reality, 3D TechnologyGet dataGet dataDetails
Shella BakerAngel/IndividualMadison Heights, Virginia, United StatesInvestment Management, Consumer Software, Retail TechnologyGet dataGet dataDetails
Ryan CurnalAngel/IndividualNew York, United StatesInvestment Management, Consumer Software, Retail TechnologyGet dataGet dataDetails
Brandon ChandlerAngel/IndividualNew York, United StatesInvestment Management, Consumer Software, Retail TechnologyGet dataGet dataDetails
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