All investors in united-states with soundflavor-acquired-by-ricall-ltd market

The largest database of united-states with soundflavor-acquired-by-ricall-ltd market on the internet. You can try using Angel Match for free below. Premium data & filtering are redacted until you subscribe.

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Investor nameInvestor typeLocationMarketsLinkedinEmailDetails
Gosline TimPrivate Equity Firm, Investment Partner, Venture CapitalUnited StatesCommunications Infrastructure, Information Services, Information TechnologyGet dataGet dataDetails
Brad RobertsPrivate Equity Firm, Investment Partner, Venture CapitalCleveland, Ohio, United StatesCommunications Infrastructure, Information Services, Information TechnologyGet dataGet dataDetails
Peter TsangPrivate Equity Firm, Investment Partner, Venture CapitalSan Francisco, California, United StatesCommunications Infrastructure, Information Services, Information TechnologyGet dataGet dataDetails
Anne HayesPrivate Equity Firm, Investment Partner, Venture CapitalNew York, United StatesCommunications Infrastructure, Information Services, Information TechnologyGet dataGet dataDetails
Brian SauerPrivate Equity Firm, Investment Partner, Venture CapitalUnited StatesCommunications Infrastructure, Information Services, Information TechnologyGet dataGet dataDetails
Loren SchlachetInvestment Partner, Angel/Individual, Private Equity Firm, Venture CapitalMiami Beach, Florida, United StatesConsumer Goods, Food and Beverage, Food ProcessingGet dataGet dataDetails
Steve PogorzelskiAngel/Individual, Private Equity Firm, Investment Partner, Venture CapitalNew Berlin, Wisconsin, United StatesCollaboration, Recruiting, Search EngineGet dataGet dataDetails
Peggy RobertsPrivate Equity Firm, Investment Partner, Venture CapitalCleveland, Ohio, United StatesCommunications Infrastructure, Information Services, Information TechnologyGet dataGet dataDetails
Alan PeyratPrivate Equity Firm, Investment Partner, Venture CapitalCleveland, Ohio, United StatesCommunications Infrastructure, Information Services, Information TechnologyGet dataGet dataDetails
Dan HaynesPrivate Equity Firm, Investment Partner, Venture CapitalCleveland, Ohio, United StatesCommunications Infrastructure, Information Services, Information TechnologyGet dataGet dataDetails
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