All investors in washington with investment-partner type

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Investor nameInvestor typeLocationMarketsLinkedinEmailDetails
Fred SchaufeldInvestment Partner, Angel/IndividualWashington, Washington, United StatesE-Learning, EdTech, Information TechnologyGet dataGet dataDetails
Marcus BrauchliInvestment Partner, Angel/IndividualWashington, Washington, United StatesDigital Media, News, Social MediaGet dataGet dataDetails
Andy LiuInvestment Partner, Angel/Individual, Angel, Investor, VCWashington, Washington, United StatesSoftware, Real Estate, AIGet dataGet dataDetails
Abe PeledInvestment Partner, Angel/IndividualWashington, Washington, United StatesComputer, Network Security, PierceMatrix acquired by Zeneth Technology PartnersGet dataGet dataDetails
Adrian FentyInvestment Partner, Angel/Individual, Investor, VCWashington, District of Columbia, United StatesSoftware, Apps, MessagingGet dataGet dataDetails
Sean GlassInvestment Partner, Angel/Individual, InvestorWashington, Washington, United StatesE-Commerce, Internet, ConsumerGet dataGet dataDetails
Evan BurfieldInvestment Partner, Angel/IndividualWashington, Washington, United StatesAndroid, Dating, InternetGet dataGet dataDetails
Amy Sterner NelsonInvestment Partner, Angel/IndividualWashington, Washington, United StatesConsumer Goods, Fashion, RentalGet dataGet dataDetails
Amias GeretyInvestment Partner, Angel/Individual, Finance OperatorWashington, District of Columbia, United StatesBanking, Developer APIs, Financial ServicesGet dataGet dataDetails
Peter HarrisonInvestment Partner, Angel/IndividualWashington, Washington, United StatesMobile Apps, Restaurants, SaaSGet dataGet dataDetails
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