Investor name:

Kun Qian

Investor type:

Social media:

Available after registration.

Past investments:

  • ZWWX Game
  • LGD
  • Feiyu
  • HeTu Technology
  • inMotion/SoloWheel
  • Avitide
  • Ofashion
  • Microsslink
  • Hot & Hot
  • Relashenghuo
  • iBingyi
  • FangKuai Xiong
  • WiFiPix
  • LeBoo
  • MetroDataTech
  • Che300
  • Zhang Wo Wu Xian
  • Enter English
  • HOLLA Group
  • Lockin U
  • We Zebra
  • TianChe Network
  • BasicFinder
  • FanS
  • Travel Pie
  • Wan Zi
  • LGD Gaming
  • TalkingData
  • Shilily
  • Vega Game
  • Taste Trip
  • Microoh
  • Shequ001
  • Jikelianmeng
  • LaiYiHuo
  • Hua Partners
  • Yun Juzhen
  • AiDriving
  • Vega Interactive
  • KK Group
  • Let's Soup Party
  • 3DEMOO
  • Lun Yu Tian Xia
  • DECX
  • YunTu TV
  • Squirrel Hill Technology
  • Viva Video
  • Fast4ward
  • 37mhealth
  • 5Lai
  • Huizhuang
  • Aircos
  • FlashEX
  • ShiHeShiJi
  • Sting Bee
  • Manku Home
  • 40 Thousand KM
  • Yunjia Shangcheng
  • TravelPi
  • 360 Finance
  • Handseeing Information
  • Young Dream
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