Investment Horizon is the length of time an investor plans to hold an investment before selling, influencing the selection of investment types based on risk tolerance and financial objectives.
Usage and Context
Investment horizons affect what investments are best for you. If you can wait a long time, you might choose riskier options that could grow more.
Frequently asked questions
What is meant by investment horizon? Investment horizon means how long you plan to keep your investment before selling it. It`s like a timeline for your investment goals.

What are the key elements of a pitch deck? The key elements include the business idea, market analysis, product or service, team, and financial projections. These help investors understand the startup`s potential.

Why is the investment horizon important? The investment horizon guides you to pick the right investments. It matches your goals with how much risk you can handle and when you need your money.
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Knowing your investment horizon helps balance risk and return. It keeps you focused on your financial goals, even if markets get shaky.
Your investment horizon is key to picking the right investments. It helps you stick to your plan and reach your financial goals with confidence.
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