Iterative Development is a process of developing software or products where the work is systematically divided into smaller sections, allowing for adjustments and refinements based on feedback after each iteration.
Usage and Context
In iterative development, teams make a part of the product, test it, get feedback, and then make changes. This happens over and over until the product is finished.
Frequently asked questions
What is the principle of iterative development? The main idea behind iterative development is to break down the work into smaller pieces. Each piece is developed, tested, and improved step by step.

What is meant by an iterative process? An iterative process means making and testing versions of a product over and over. Each cycle aims to improve the product based on feedback.

What is an example of iterative development? An example of iterative development is creating a mobile app. The team might start with a basic version, then add more features and fix bugs based on user feedback.
Related Software
Iterative development lets teams fix mistakes early and adapt to changes. It helps make a product that meets users` needs better.
Iterative development is a flexible way to make products. It involves making changes and improvements regularly, based on feedback. This approach helps create better products.
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