Liquidation Preference is a provision that determines the payout order in case of a sale, dissolution, or liquidation of the company.
Usage and Context
This term is important in business deals, especially for investors in startups. It protects investors by making sure they get their money back before others do in a company`s sale or closure.
Frequently asked questions
What does liquidation preference mean? Liquidation preference means some investors get paid first when a company is sold or closes. It ensures these investors recover their investment before others.

How do you use LTV in business? Businesses use LTV to decide how much money to spend on getting new customers and keeping current ones happy.

Why is liquidation preference important? It`s important because it protects investors, especially in risky ventures. It guarantees they get their money back first if things don`t go well.
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Liquidation preference gives investors confidence. They know they have a better chance of getting their money back if the company doesn`t succeed.
Liquidation preference is a safety net for investors. It makes investing in new or risky businesses less scary, by promising a payback order in case things go south.
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