Market Share is the portion of a market controlled by a particular company or product.
Usage and Context
Market share indicates how much of the total sales in a market are made by one company, helping assess a company`s competitiveness
Frequently asked questions
What is a good market share? A good market share varies by industry, but generally, a higher market share indicates a stronger competitive position.

How do you calculate the market share? Market share is calculated by dividing a company’s sales by the total sales of the market, then multiplying by 100 to get a percentage.

Why measure market share? Measuring market share helps businesses understand their position in the market, assess competition, and inform strategic decisions.
Related Software
Nielsen, MarketShare, Statista
Knowing your market share helps in strategic planning, competitive analysis, and identifying growth opportunities.
Market share is a crucial metric for understanding a company`s position in the market, informing strategic decisions, and driving growth.
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