Monthly Active Users (MAU) is the number of unique users who engage with a site or product within a 30-day period.
Usage and Context
MAU is a key metric for measuring the popularity and user engagement of a site or product over a month.
Frequently asked questions
What is Mau monthly active usage? MAU refers to the total number of unique users who interact with a product or service within a month.

How do you calculate monthly active users Mau ratio? To calculate the MAU ratio, divide the number of monthly active users by the total number of users, then multiply by 100 to get a percentage.

What are monthly active users in Google Analytics? In Google Analytics, monthly active users are the unique users who have interacted with your website or app in the past 30 days.
Related Software
Google Analytics, Mixpanel, Amplitude
Tracking MAU helps understand user engagement, measure growth, and identify trends over time.
MAU is an essential metric for gauging user engagement and the overall health of a product or service, helping businesses track their performance and growth.
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