A Niche Product is a product that is aimed at a distinct group of customers with specific interests or needs, often underserved by the mainstream market.
Usage and Context
Niche products cater to specific customer segments, addressing unique needs or preferences that are not met by mainstream products.
Frequently asked questions
What is an example of a niche? An example of a niche is vegan skincare products designed specifically for customers seeking cruelty-free and plant-based beauty options.

What is an example of a niche market? An example of a niche market is eco-friendly household products for environmentally conscious consumers.

Is Apple a niche product? Apple products are not niche products; they target a broad market. However, specific Apple products or features may cater to niche segments.
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Niche products often face less competition, allow for targeted marketing, and can build strong customer loyalty by meeting specific needs.
Niche products are designed to serve specific customer segments, offering unique solutions and benefits that are often overlooked by mainstream markets, leading to dedicated customer bases and reduced competition.
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