A Not-for-Profit is an organization that focuses on a mission or purpose other than making a profit, often eligible for tax-exempt status.
Usage and Context
Frequently asked questions
What defines a not-for-profit organization? A not-for-profit organization is defined by its mission to serve the public or a specific cause without aiming to make a profit.

What is the purpose or mission of the non profit? The purpose or mission of a non-profit is to address social, educational, charitable, or other community needs without focusing on profit.

What is the focus of a nonprofit organization? The focus of a nonprofit organization is on fulfilling its mission or purpose, such as providing services, education, or support to a community.
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Not-for-profits can focus on their mission without the pressure to generate profits. They may also be eligible for tax-exempt status and can receive donations and grants.
Not-for-profit organizations exist to serve specific missions or purposes rather than making a profit. They focus on community needs and often benefit from tax exemptions and donations.
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