An Operational Agility Framework is a system enabling a startup to quickly adapt its operations in response to market changes, challenges, or opportunities.
Usage and Context
Frequently asked questions
What is the operational agility framework? The operational agility framework is a structured approach that allows businesses to rapidly adapt their operations to changing market conditions and new opportunities.

What is an example of operational agility? An example of operational agility is a company quickly shifting its production line to manufacture hand sanitizers during a pandemic, responding to sudden market demand.

What is the difference between strategic agility and operational agility? Strategic agility focuses on long-term goals and the ability to adapt overall business strategies, while operational agility is about quickly adjusting day-to-day operations in response to immediate changes.
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An operational agility framework enhances a company`s ability to respond to market shifts, improves resilience, and helps maintain competitive advantage.
An Operational Agility Framework allows startups to swiftly adapt their operations to changing market conditions, ensuring they remain responsive, resilient, and competitive.
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