Organizational Capital refers to intangible assets related to the workforce, including knowledge, skills, and experience that contribute to a company`s value.
Usage and Context
Frequently asked questions
What is meant by organizational knowledge capital? Organizational knowledge capital refers to the collective expertise, skills, and knowledge that employees bring to a company, contributing to its overall value and competitive advantage.

Which type of capital is the knowledge skills and intellectual assets employees bring to the workplace? The knowledge, skills, and intellectual assets that employees bring to the workplace are referred to as organizational capital.

What is an example of organization capital? An example of organizational capital is a company`s internal training programs that enhance employee skills and knowledge, contributing to increased productivity and innovation.
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Organizational capital fosters innovation, improves productivity, enhances competitive advantage, and supports sustainable business growth by leveraging the collective expertise of the workforce.
Organizational Capital consists of the intangible assets of knowledge, skills, and experience within a company`s workforce, driving value and competitive advantage.
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