Out-licensing is the practice of licensing proprietary technology, processes, or products to other companies for use.
Usage and Context
Frequently asked questions
What is the meaning of out-licensing? Out-licensing refers to the practice of a company granting another company the rights to use its proprietary technology, processes, or products in exchange for fees or royalties.

What is the out-licensing strategy? The out-licensing strategy involves identifying valuable intellectual property within a company and licensing it to other firms to generate revenue and expand market reach.

What is the difference between in- and out-licensing? In-licensing involves acquiring rights to use another company`s technology or products, while out-licensing involves granting those rights to others.
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Out-licensing generates additional revenue, enhances market presence, leverages existing intellectual property, and can create strategic partnerships.
Out-licensing is the practice of licensing proprietary technology or products to other companies, generating revenue and expanding market reach through strategic partnerships.
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