Overfunding occurs when a crowdfunding campaign raises more money than the initially stated goal.
Usage and Context
Frequently asked questions
What happens if you raise more than your goal on Kickstarter? If you raise more than your goal on Kickstarter, the extra funds can be used to enhance the project, add new features, or cover additional production costs.

Can you raise more than your goal on Seed and Spark? Yes, you can raise more than your goal on Seed and Spark. The additional funds can be allocated to improve the project or cover unforeseen expenses.

What do kickstarters do with extra money? Kickstarter projects often use extra money to improve their offerings, enhance production quality, add new features, or stretch goals that benefit backers.
Related Software
Kickstarter, Indiegogo, GoFundMe
Overfunding provides additional resources, allows for enhanced project features, covers unexpected costs, and can lead to a higher quality final product.
Overfunding occurs when a crowdfunding campaign exceeds its goal, providing extra resources to enhance the project and cover additional costs.
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