A Pivot refers to a strategic shift in a startup`s business model, product offering, or target market in response to feedback, market demand, or the realization of a more viable opportunity.
Usage and Context
A pivot is a strategic shift in a startup`s business model or product offering.
Frequently asked questions
What is the meaning of pivot in startup? A pivot in a startup is a strategic shift in the business model, product, or market focus.

What is a pivot in a business model? A pivot is a strategic change in a business model, product, or market focus in response to market feedback or opportunities.

What does it mean to pivot your strategy? Pivoting your strategy means making a significant change to your business model, product, or market approach.
Related Software
A pivot involves a strategic shift in a startup`s business model or product offering to better meet market demands.
Pivot involves a strategic shift in a business model or product offering.
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