A Prospectus is a formal legal document that companies must file before going public, detailing the investment offering for the public and containing financial data, risks, and objectives.
Usage and Context
A prospectus is a formal document detailing an investment offering before going public.
Frequently asked questions
What is a prospectus document? A prospectus is a legal document companies must file before going public, detailing the investment offering and its risks.

What is a formal prospectus? A formal prospectus is a detailed document that companies must file before going public, outlining the investment offering and its risks.

When must a prospectus be filed? A prospectus must be filed before a company can offer its shares to the public during an IPO or other public offerings.
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A prospectus is a formal document detailing an investment offering, required before going public.
Prospectus is a formal document detailing an investment offering before going public.
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