Quasi-Governmental describes entities that possess both governmental and private characteristics, often established to undertake specific public purposes with a degree of autonomy.
Usage and Context
Quasi-governmental describes entities with both governmental and private characteristics, often for specific public purposes.
Frequently asked questions
What is the meaning of quasi government? Quasi-government describes entities with both governmental and private characteristics, often established for specific public purposes.

What is the difference between a government and a quasi government? A government has full control and authority over its functions, while a quasi-government entity operates independently but is partially controlled or funded by the government.

What is an example of a quasi-governmental organization? An example of a quasi-governmental organization is the United States Postal Service (USPS).
Related Software
Quasi-governmental describes entities with both governmental and private characteristics, often for specific public purposes.
Quasi-Governmental describes entities with both governmental and private characteristics.
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