Rapid Prototyping is a method used to quickly fabricate a scale model of a physical part or assembly using three-dimensional computer-aided design (CAD), useful in product development stages.
Usage and Context
Rapid prototyping involves quickly making physical models using CAD tools to aid in product development.
Frequently asked questions
What is rapid prototyping used for? Rapid prototyping quickly creates a functional model of a product to test its design, functionality, and usability before mass production.

What is rapid prototyping Quizlet? Rapid prototyping is quickly creating a draft version of a product to test and refine its features.

What is the rapid prototyping model of software development? Rapid prototyping is a software development approach where quick iterations of a product are created, tested, and refined based on user feedback.
Related Software
Rapid prototyping quickly creates physical models using CAD, aiding in product development.
Rapid prototyping speeds up product development by creating models quickly.
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