R&D Expenditure refers to the amount of money a company invests in its research and development activities, aiming to innovate and develop new products or services.
Usage and Context
R&D expenditure is the money a company spends on research and development to create new products and innovate.
Frequently asked questions
What is R&D expenditure? R&D expenditure is the budget a company dedicates to research and development, aiming to innovate or enhance products and services.

What is R&D in a company? R&D (Research and Development) is a company`s effort to create new products, services, or improve existing ones.

What is the meaning of R&D in investment? R&D stands for Research and Development, referring to activities aimed at creating new products or improving existing ones.
Related Software
R&D expenditure reflects a company`s investment in innovation, aiming to create new products or services.
R&D expenditure fuels innovation and the creation of new products.
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