Redemption Rights are contractual agreements giving investors the right to compel a company to repurchase their shares at a predetermined price after a certain period.
Usage and Context
Redemption rights give investors the option to have their shares repurchased by the company at a predetermined price after a specific period.
Frequently asked questions
What is the meaning of redemption rights? Redemption rights let investors demand the company repurchase their shares at a predetermined price, usually after a fixed period.

What are rights of redemption shares? Redemption rights allow shareholders to sell their shares back to the company under specified conditions.

What is the redemption rights clause? A redemption rights clause gives shareholders the right to require the company to buy back their shares under certain terms.
Related Software
Redemption rights let investors require a company to repurchase shares after a specific period.
Redemption rights allow investors to sell their shares back to the company at a pre-agreed price.
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