Social Venture Capital is a subset of venture capital investing that aims to achieve both financial returns and positive social or environmental impacts. It supports startups that address societal challenges while seeking profitability.
Usage and Context
Social venture capital aims for both financial returns and a positive social or environmental impact by backing purpose-driven startups.
Frequently asked questions
What is a social venture capitalist focused on? A social venture capitalist invests in businesses that aim to generate both financial returns and positive social or environmental outcomes.

What is social impact venture capital? Social impact venture capital funds companies that aim to deliver social or environmental benefits alongside financial returns.

What is venture capital a subset of? Venture capital is a part of private equity that focuses on investing in startups and early-stage companies.
Related Software
Social venture capital aims for both financial returns and positive social or environmental impact, supporting purpose-driven startups.
Social venture capital backs startups aiming for both financial returns and positive social or environmental impact.
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