A Stock Purchase Agreement is a legal contract that outlines the terms of a share transaction, specifying the number of shares sold, the price, and other conditions of the sale between the buyer and the seller.
Usage and Context
A stock purchase agreement outlines the terms and conditions of a share sale between a buyer and a seller.
Frequently asked questions
What is the stock purchase agreement? A stock purchase agreement is a contract that details the terms under which shares of a company are bought by an investor or employee.

What is the agreement for purchase and sale of stock? A stock purchase agreement details the terms and conditions for buying and selling company shares between parties.

What does a share purchase agreement do? A share purchase agreement details the terms, conditions, and obligations of buying and selling shares between parties.
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A stock purchase agreement details the terms of a share transaction between a buyer and a seller.
A stock purchase agreement sets the terms for buying and selling shares of a company.
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