The Ultimate Beneficial Owner (UBO) is the person or entity that is the true owner of a company, even though the title may be in another name.
Usage and Context
The ultimate beneficial owner (UBO) is the real owner behind a company, even if someone else holds the title.
Frequently asked questions
What does UBO Ultimate Beneficial Owner mean? The UBO, or Ultimate Beneficial Owner, is the person or entity that ultimately owns or controls a company.

Who is the Ultimate Beneficial Owner of an entity? The Ultimate Beneficial Owner (UBO) of an entity is the person or entity that ultimately owns or controls the company, even if the title is in another name.

What is the name of the Ultimate Beneficial Owner? The Ultimate Beneficial Owner is the person who ultimately owns or controls a company, even if it’s in another name.
Related Software
The ultimate beneficial owner (UBO) clarifies true ownership, enhancing transparency in business transactions.
The ultimate beneficial owner (UBO) improves transparency by clarifying true ownership in business transactions.
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