Unbundling is the process of breaking down a company`s offerings into smaller, individual components that can be sold separately, often leading to new revenue streams.
Usage and Context
Unbundling breaks a company’s offerings into smaller, sellable parts for new income.
Frequently asked questions
What is the process of unbundling? The process of unbundling involves breaking a company’s services into smaller parts that can be sold individually.

What is the meaning of unbundling of production? Unbundling of production refers to breaking down the production process into separate components or stages, often outsourcing some stages to specialized providers to increase efficiency.

What is the meaning of unbundling product? Unbundling a product means breaking a product or service into individual parts that can be sold separately instead of as a package.
Related Software
Unbundling opens new revenue streams by selling components separately to meet specific demands.
Unbundling opens new revenue channels by breaking offerings into smaller, sellable components.
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