A Unicorn is a startup company valued at over $1 billion, typically in the tech sector, indicating high growth potential.
Usage and Context
A unicorn is a startup worth over $1 billion, usually showing high growth potential in tech.
Frequently asked questions
What is a unicorn in tech? A unicorn in tech is a startup valued at over $1 billion, usually showing high growth potential.

What does it mean when a company is a unicorn? When a company is a unicorn, it means it is a startup valued at over $1 billion, indicating high growth potential and significant market interest.

What are the benefits of being a unicorn company? Benefits of being a unicorn company include a high valuation, more investor interest, market visibility, and the ability to attract top talent.
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A unicorn status indicates significant market potential, attracting investor interest and media attention.
Achieving unicorn status signals significant market potential and draws both investor interest and media attention.
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