A Unique Identifier is a distinct and exclusive identifier assigned to individuals, items, or records, facilitating easy identification and tracking within digital systems.
Usage and Context
A unique identifier is a special code or tag used to track and identify people or items.
Frequently asked questions
What is a unique identifier? A unique identifier is a specific code or number given to an individual, item, or record for easy tracking.

What is a unique identifier for a record? A unique identifier for a record is a distinct code or number, like a Social Security Number or customer ID, used to uniquely identify a specific record in a database.

What is a unique identifier assigned to a device? A unique identifier assigned to a device is called a UUID (Universally Unique Identifier) or MAC address.
Related Software
UUID Generator, GUID Generator
A unique identifier streamlines tracking and managing individuals or items, improving organization.
A unique identifier enhances organization by facilitating the tracking and management of individuals or items.
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