An Unsecured Loan is a loan that is issued and supported only by the borrower`s creditworthiness, rather than by any type of collateral.
Usage and Context
An unsecured loan relies on the borrower`s creditworthiness without needing collateral.
Frequently asked questions
What is an unsecured loan classified as? An unsecured loan is classified as a loan that depends only on the borrower`s creditworthiness without collateral.

What loan is unsecured? Personal loans and credit card debt are common examples of unsecured loans.

What is the difference between collateral and unsecured loans? Collateral loans are backed by assets that can be seized if the borrower defaults, while unsecured loans depend on the borrower’s creditworthiness without any asset backing.
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An unsecured loan provides funding without collateral requirements, improving access to credit.
An unsecured loan offers funding without collateral requirements, widening access to credit.
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