Unsolicited Feedback is input or opinions about a product or service provided by users without the company specifically requesting it, offering valuable insights for improvement.
Usage and Context
Unsolicited feedback is input from users about a product or service given without being asked, offering useful insights.
Frequently asked questions
What is unsolicited feedback? Unsolicited feedback is input or opinions from customers given without being asked, often providing valuable insights.

What is an example of unsolicited feedback? An example of unsolicited feedback is a customer leaving a review or comment about a product or service without being asked by the company.

What is the difference between solicited and unsolicited feedback? Solicited feedback is requested by the company or individual, while unsolicited feedback is given freely without being asked for.
Related Software
SurveyMonkey, Google Forms
Unsolicited feedback offers genuine user insights, helping enhance products and customer satisfaction.
Unsolicited feedback provides valuable insights from users, aiding in product improvement and increasing customer satisfaction.
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