Unsustainable Growth is growth that cannot be maintained over the long term, often due to inadequate resources, planning, or market saturation.
Usage and Context
Unsustainable growth is growth that can`t last long-term due to limited resources or planning.
Frequently asked questions
What is the meaning of unsustainable growth? Unsustainable growth means rapid expansion that can`t be maintained long-term due to resource or market limits.

What are the problems with unsustainable growth? Problems with unsustainable growth include resource depletion, financial instability, inability to maintain service levels, and potential damage to brand reputation.

What is sustainable vs unsustainable economic growth? Sustainable economic growth is growth that can be maintained long-term without using up resources, while unsustainable growth relies on practices that may cause harm later.
Related Software
Unsustainable growth shows the risks of overexpansion, prompting better resource management.
Unsustainable growth highlights the risks of overexpansion, prompting better resource management.
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