User Flow is the path taken by a typical user on a website or app to complete a specific task, important for designing an intuitive user experience.
Usage and Context
User flow outlines the path a typical user takes on a website or app to complete a task.
Frequently asked questions
What is the user flow of a web app? User flow of a web app is the path a user takes to complete a specific task or action within the app.

What is the user flow in user interface? The user flow in a user interface is the path a user takes to complete a task within a product, from the entry point to the final action.

What is the difference between user path and user flow? User path is the specific sequence of pages a user visits, while user flow is a broader view of the steps a user takes to finish a task.
Related Software
Google Analytics, Mixpanel
User flow outlines navigation paths, enhancing usability and user satisfaction.
User flow outlines navigation paths, improving usability and overall user satisfaction.
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