Seventure Partners is a French venture capital firm targeting in information and communication technology, and life sciences companies. It funds innovation and participates in the entrepreneurial adventure, alongside entrepreneurs and sharing their passion. Founded in 1997, Seventure Partners is one of the European leaders in venture capital, with € 660 million under management as of December 31, 2016. It is an active partner of innovative companies that, according to the management team, show strong growth potential and evolving in two fields of activity: Digital Technologies and Life Sciences. With more than 20 employees, including some 15 investors, Seventure Partners has a proven track record and in-depth expertise in technology, entrepreneurship, and various private equity operations. Seventure`s goal is to identify and support the development of tomorrow`s European leaders in order to accelerate their growth. To do this, the firm provides entrepreneurs with the expertise, networks, and know-how of its internal team of investors.

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Location: France