All investors in surrey with agriculture market

The largest database of surrey with agriculture market on the internet. You can try using Angel Match for free below. Premium data & filtering are redacted until you subscribe.

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Investor nameInvestor typeLocationMarketsLinkedinEmailDetails
Oded HermoniInvestor, Angel/Individual, Investment PartnerSurrey, California, United StatesContent Marketing, Social Impact, Social Media AdvertisingGet dataGet dataDetails
Nick AdamsVenture Capital, Angel/Individual, Angel, Investor, VC, Investment PartnerSurrey, California, United StatesFinance, Payments, SoftwareGet dataGet dataDetails
Salman UllahInvestment Partner, Angel/Individual, VCSurrey, California, United StatesSoftware, SaaS, AgTechGet dataGet dataDetails
Siqi ChenAngel/Individual, AngelSurrey, California, United StatesSupply Chain Management, Marketplace, Food and BeverageGet dataGet dataDetails
Jason SpievakInvestment Partner, Angel/Individual, Former CEO, Founder, Investor, VCSurrey, California, United StatesBiotechnology, Food and Beverage, SustainabilityGet dataGet dataDetails
Garry TanInvestment Partner, Venture Capital, Angel/Individual, Founder, Investor, VCSurrey, California, United StatesB2B, Finance, Information TechnologyGet dataGet dataDetails
Arjun SethiInvestment Partner, Angel/Individual, Angel, Former CEO, Investor, VCSurrey, California, United StatesFinance, Information Technology, PaymentsGet dataGet dataDetails
Eric KwanInvestment Partner, Angel/Individual, Investor, VCSurrey, California, United StatesB2B, Finance, Information TechnologyGet dataGet dataDetails
Peter BeckAngel/Individual, Angel, InvestorSurrey, California, United StatesSoftware, AgTech, AgricultureGet dataGet dataDetails
Nan LiInvestment Partner, Angel/Individual, Investor, VCSurrey, California, United StatesEnterprise Software, Mobile, Retail TechnologyGet dataGet dataDetails
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