All investors in surrey with founder type

The largest database of surrey with founder type on the internet. You can try using Angel Match for free below. Premium data & filtering are redacted until you subscribe.

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Investor nameInvestor typeLocationMarketsLinkedinEmailDetails
Dennis YangAngel/Individual, Former CEO, Founder, Investor, ScoutSurrey, California, United StatesMedia and Entertainment, Video, Consumer HealthGet dataGet dataDetails
Ramtin NaimiInvestment Partner, Angel/Individual, Founder, Investor, VCSurrey, California, United StatesInformation Technology, Software, BioTechGet dataGet dataDetails
Steve AndersonInvestment Partner, Venture Capital, Angel/Individual, Founder, Investor, VCSurrey, California, United StatesInformation Technology, Small and Medium Businesses, SoftwareGet dataGet dataDetails
Arash FerdowsiAngel/Individual, Angel, FounderSurrey, California, United StatesSoftware, Medical Device, Cloud InfrastructureGet dataGet dataDetails
Dana SettleAngel/Individual, Founder, Investor, VCSurrey, California, United StatesMediacontent Series A, Diverse VCs, Female VCsGet dataGet dataDetails
Robin ChanInvestment Partner, Angel/Individual, Angel, CEO, Founder, VCSurrey, California, United StatesE-Commerce, Fashion, Consumer GoodsGet dataGet dataDetails
Matt RogersAngel/Individual, Angel, Founder, Investor, CEOSurrey, California, United StatesHealth Care, Biotechnology, MedicalGet dataGet dataDetails
Zaw ThetInvestment Partner, Angel/Individual, CEO, Founder, VCSurrey, California, United StatesApps, Transportation, Ride SharingGet dataGet dataDetails
Neil DevaniInvestment Partner, Angel/Individual, Founder, Investor, VCSurrey, California, United StatesHealth Care, Health Insurance, AIGet dataGet dataDetails
Kenzi WangInvestment Partner, Angel/Individual, Angel, Founder, Investor, VCSurrey, California, United StatesFinancial Services, FinTech, BlockchainGet dataGet dataDetails
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