Angel Investors & Venture Capitalists in the Digital Storytelling Market

Angel Match offers a comprehensive database of investors specializing in the Digital Storytelling market. Connect with thousands of angel investors, venture capitalists, and private equity firms who focus on Digital Storytelling-related industries. Filter investors by their preferred location, investment stage, or type to find the perfect match for your business. Start your search today with Angel Match for free, or unlock advanced filtering options by subscribing.

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Investor nameInvestor typeLocationMarketsLinkedinEmailDetails
Thomas PalamaraAngel/IndividualLondon, England, United KingdomCharity, Crowdfunding, Information TechnologyGet dataGet dataDetails
Lars AlbrightInvestment Partner, Angel/Individual, Investor, Venture Capital, Marketing Operator, Sales Operator, Finance Operator, Growth OperatorBoston, Massachusetts, United StatesDigital Media, Mobile, VideoGet dataGet dataDetails
Matt HuncklerAngel/Individual, Micro VCIndianapolis, Indiana, United StatesSaaS, ECommerce, B2BGet dataGet dataDetails
Vijay ChatthaInvestment Partner, Angel/Individual, Investor, Marketing Operator, Strategy Operator, Venture CapitalSan Francisco, California, United StatesFood and Beverage, Consumer Electronics, Smart HomeGet dataGet dataDetails
Paul CoomeyAngel/Individual, Engineering Operator, Design Operator, Micro VCLondon, England, United KingdomConsumer Internet, Mobile, ECommerceGet dataGet dataDetails
Svea FinaAngel/Individual, Marketing OperatorNew York, United StatesArtificial Intelligence, Computer Vision, Data VisualizationGet dataGet dataDetails
Juan S-H (Sánchez-Herrera)Angel/Individual, Marketing OperatorSpainClean Technology, Consumer Internet, Enterprise SoftwareGet dataGet dataDetails
John VrionisVenture Capital, Founder, Investor, Marketing Operator, Sales Operator, Finance Operator, Growth OperatorMenlo Park, California, United StatesInformation Technology, Software, Financial ServicesGet dataGet dataDetails
Ali SinaAngel/IndividualIrvine, California, United StatesCryptocurrency, Artificial Intelligence, Artificial Neural NetworksGet dataGet dataDetails
Steve StouteAngel/Individual, Investor, Venture CapitalNew York, United StatesDigital Media, Media and Entertainment, MusicGet dataGet dataDetails
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