Angel Investors & Venture Capitalists in the Docstoc Acquired By Intuit Market

Angel Match offers a comprehensive database of investors specializing in the Docstoc Acquired By Intuit market. Connect with thousands of angel investors, venture capitalists, and private equity firms who focus on Docstoc Acquired By Intuit-related industries. Filter investors by their preferred location, investment stage, or type to find the perfect match for your business. Start your search today with Angel Match for free, or unlock advanced filtering options by subscribing.

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Investor nameInvestor typeLocationMarketsLinkedinEmailDetails
Ryan CurnalAngel/IndividualNew York, United StatesInvestment Management, Consumer Software, Retail TechnologyGet dataGet dataDetails
John SmothersInvestor, VC, Venture Capital, Private Equity FirmSan Francisco, California, United StatesConsumer Internet, E-Commerce, EnterpriseGet dataGet dataDetails
Justin StottlemyerAngel/IndividualSan Jose, California, United StatesOnline Games, Social Media, Social Media MarketingGet dataGet dataDetails
Juli MarleyPrivate Equity FirmCharlotte, North Carolina, United StatesInvestment Management, Rebel acquired by Salesforce, Bandpage acquired by YouTubeGet dataGet dataDetails
Tom CarterAngel/Individual, Finance Operator, Venture Capital, Venture Debt, Micro VCAustin, Texas, United StatesApps, Employee Benefits, FinanceGet dataGet dataDetails
Brandon ChandlerAngel/IndividualNew York, United StatesInvestment Management, Consumer Software, Retail TechnologyGet dataGet dataDetails
Jeff RobichPrivate Equity FirmCleveland, Ohio, United StatesInvestment Management, Rebel acquired by Salesforce, Bandpage acquired by YouTubeGet dataGet dataDetails
Jason TraffAngel/IndividualAustin, Texas, United StatesFinancial Services, Insurance, CoverWallet acquired by AonGet dataGet dataDetails
Jeff ButlerAngel/IndividualSan Francisco, California, United StatesInvestment Management, Consumer Software, Retail TechnologyGet dataGet dataDetails
Richard SteereAngel/Individual, Venture Capital, Private Equity FirmNew York, United StatesVenture Capital, Integrate acquired by Audax Private Equity, Big Data AnalyticsGet dataGet dataDetails
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