All investors in memphis with enterprise-software market

The largest database of memphis with enterprise-software market on the internet. You can try using Angel Match for free below. Premium data & filtering are redacted until you subscribe.

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Investor nameInvestor typeLocationMarketsLinkedinEmailDetails
Jim WitheringtonVenture Capital, Private Equity FirmMemphis, Tennessee, United StatesSaaS, Software, Advertising PlatformsGet dataGet dataDetails
Hunter WitheringtonVenture Capital, Private Equity FirmMemphis, Tennessee, United StatesSoftware, Advertising Platforms, MarketingGet dataGet dataDetails
Jordan PurdhamPrivate Equity FirmMemphis, Florida, United StatesSoftware, Advertising Platforms, MarketingGet dataGet dataDetails
Casey WestPrivate Equity Firm, Venture CapitalMemphis, Tennessee, United StatesInformation Technology, Computer, CRMGet dataGet dataDetails
Edward NenonPrivate Equity Firm, Venture CapitalMemphis, Tennessee, United StatesSoftware, Advertising Platforms, MarketingGet dataGet dataDetails
Will FrazierAngel/IndividualMemphis, Florida, United StatesClean Technology, Consumer Internet, Enterprise SoftwareGet dataGet dataDetails
Wilson OrrPrivate Equity Firm, Venture CapitalMemphis, Tennessee, United StatesSoftware, Advertising Platforms, MarketingGet dataGet dataDetails
Steve FordAngel/IndividualMemphis, Florida, United StatesClean Technology, Consumer Internet, Enterprise SoftwareGet dataGet dataDetails
Eric MathewsPrivate Equity Firm, Angel/Individual, Venture CapitalMemphis, Tennessee, United StatesHealth Care Information Technology, Information Technology, Venture CapitalGet dataGet dataDetails
Kalen SmithPrivate Equity FirmMemphis, Florida, United StatesInformation Technology, Computer, CRMGet dataGet dataDetails
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