All investors in germany with machine-learning market

The largest database of germany with machine-learning market on the internet. You can try using Angel Match for free below. Premium data & filtering are redacted until you subscribe.

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Investor nameInvestor typeLocationMarketsLinkedinEmailDetails
Sabine WolffVenture Capital, Government Office, InvestorBerlin, Berlin, GermanyInformation Technology, Software, Health CareGet dataGet dataDetails
Daniel SteffenVenture Capital, Government Office, InvestorBerlin, Berlin, GermanyInformation Technology, Software, Health CareGet dataGet dataDetails
colin daymond hannaVenture Capital, Growth Operator, Investor, Product OperatorBerlin, Berlin, GermanySoftware, Financial Services, FinTechGet dataGet dataDetails
Michel StumpeMicro VC, Venture CapitalBerlin, Berlin, GermanyArtificial Intelligence, Computer Vision, Machine LearningGet dataGet dataDetails
Konstantin GnypVenture Capital, Private Equity Firm, Finance Operator, Entrepreneurship ProgramBerlin, Berlin, GermanyBiotechnology, Health Care, Information TechnologyGet dataGet dataDetails
Bernhard SchmidMicro VC, Venture Capital, InvestorGermanyInformation Technology, Software, Financial ServicesGet dataGet dataDetails
Lukas SommerfeldAngel/IndividualHamburg, Hamburg, GermanyConsumer Internet, Social Commerce, FitnessGet dataGet dataDetails
Fabian KrautwurstMicro VC, Venture Capital, InvestorBerlin, Berlin, GermanyInformation Technology, Software, RecruitingGet dataGet dataDetails
🤠 Stefan WalterMicro VC, Venture Capital, Investor, Private Equity FirmBerlin, Berlin, GermanyInformation Technology, Software, RecruitingGet dataGet dataDetails
Martin JanickiMicro VC, Venture Capital, InvestorBerlin, Berlin, GermanyInformation Technology, Software, RecruitingGet dataGet dataDetails
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