Board of Directors is a group of individuals elected to represent shareholders and govern the company`s activities according to its charter.
Usage and Context
The board makes big decisions, like choosing top executives. They also make sure the company follows its main goals and rules.
Frequently asked questions
Is a board of directors a group of people elected to represent a company`s? Yes, a board of directors is a team chosen to act on behalf of the company`s shareholders.

What is bootstrapping as a source of funding? Bootstrapping means funding your company with your own money or its earnings. It`s a way to start and grow without investors.

How is a startup funded? A startup can be funded by the founder`s money, company earnings (bootstrapping), or money from investors.
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A board of directors can guide a company towards its goals. They bring experience and help make smart choices.
The board of directors plays a key role in a company`s success. They make important decisions and look out for shareholders` best interests.
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