Revenue Per User (RPU) is a metric that calculates the average revenue generated per user or customer, used to assess a company`s financial performance and business model efficiency.
Usage and Context
Revenue per user (RPU) calculates the average revenue earned from each user, indicating financial performance.
Frequently asked questions
What is revenue per user RPU? Revenue per user (RPU) calculates the average income earned from each customer, helping to assess financial performance.

What is the revenue per user metric? Revenue per user (RPU) calculates the average revenue generated by each user or customer.

How is average revenue per user calculated? Average Revenue Per User (ARPU) is calculated by dividing total revenue by the number of users in a specific period.
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Revenue per user (RPU) calculates the average revenue generated per user, reflecting business efficiency.
Revenue per user (RPU) calculates the average income generated from each customer.
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