A Vesting Schedule is a timeline over which an employee earns access to company stock or another form of compensation as part of their employment package.
Usage and Context
A vesting schedule outlines the timeline for when employees earn access to company stock or compensation.
Frequently asked questions
What does vesting schedule mean? The vesting schedule is the timeline over which an employee earns ownership of stock options or benefits, often gradually.

What is vesting Quizlet? Vesting on Quizlet is the process by which an employee earns the right to fully own shares or benefits over time.

What is the meaning of vesting period? The vesting period is the time during which an employee earns the right to fully own benefits like stock options or retirement funds.
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A vesting schedule shows when employees earn access to company stock or compensation.
A vesting schedule outlines when employees will earn access to company stock or compensation.
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