A Vision Statement is a declaration of an organization`s objectives, intended to guide its internal decision-making.
Usage and Context
A vision statement outlines an organization`s goals, guiding its internal decision-making.
Frequently asked questions
What is a vision statement in decision-making? A vision statement guides decision-making by outlining the organization`s long-term goals and aspirations.

Is the vision statement a declaration of an organization`s reason for being? Yes, a vision statement is a declaration of an organization`s long-term goals and aspirations, guiding its future direction.

Why do you think investors today are still interested in investing in startups? Investors like startups for their potential high returns, innovation, and the chance to be part of new business models and technologies.
Related Software
Microsoft Word, Google Docs
A vision statement expresses an organization`s goals, guiding decision-making processes.
A vision statement clarifies an organization`s goals, guiding its decision-making processes.
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