All investors in santa-clara with consumer-internet market

The largest database of santa-clara with consumer-internet market on the internet. You can try using Angel Match for free below. Premium data & filtering are redacted until you subscribe.

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Investor nameInvestor typeLocationMarketsLinkedinEmailDetails
Naeem RazaInvestor, Venture Capital, Private Equity Firm, Investment PartnerSanta Clara, California, United StatesConsumer Internet, Enterprise, Venture CapitalGet dataGet dataDetails
Frank CrowAngel/IndividualSanta Clara, California, United StatesSearch Engine, Advertising, E-Commerce PlatformsGet dataGet dataDetails
Lem DiazAngel/IndividualSanta Clara, California, United StatesConsumer Internet, Enterprise Software, MobileGet dataGet dataDetails
Mark ChungAngel/IndividualSanta Clara, California, United StatesClean Technology, Consumer Internet, Enterprise SoftwareGet dataGet dataDetails
Sanjit Singh DangAngel/IndividualSanta Clara, United StatesConsumer Internet, Enterprise Software, MobileGet dataGet dataDetails
Ganesh B.Angel/Individual, Design OperatorSanta Clara, California, United StatesClean Technology, Consumer Internet, Enterprise SoftwareGet dataGet dataDetails
John YuAngel/IndividualSanta Clara, United StatesClean Technology, Consumer Internet, Enterprise SoftwareGet dataGet dataDetails
Vibhor RastogiInvestor, Venture Capital, Corporate Venture CapitalSanta Clara, California, United StatesAI, Cloud Infrastructure, Consumer InternetGet dataGet dataDetails
Michael TodascoAngel/IndividualSanta Clara, California, United StatesConsumer Internet, Mobile, Mobile PaymentsGet dataGet dataDetails
Shivang PatelAngel/IndividualSanta Clara, United StatesEnvironmental Innovation, Smart Built Environment, Internet of ThingsGet dataGet dataDetails
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