All investors in greenwich with media-and-entertainment market

The largest database of greenwich with media-and-entertainment market on the internet. You can try using Angel Match for free below. Premium data & filtering are redacted until you subscribe.

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Investor nameInvestor typeLocationMarketsLinkedinEmailDetails
Scott BronnerPrivate Equity FirmGreenwich, Connecticut, United StatesArtificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Risk ManagementGet dataGet dataDetails
Nick RossiVenture CapitalGreenwich, Connecticut, United StatesFinance, Financial Services, InsuranceGet dataGet dataDetails
Phillip DrucePrivate Equity FirmGreenwich, Connecticut, United StatesCommercial, Health Care, Medical DeviceGet dataGet dataDetails
Mario SoussouPrivate Equity Firm, Venture CapitalGreenwich, Connecticut, United StatesVenture Capital, Integrate acquired by Audax Private Equity, AndroidGet dataGet dataDetails
Andrew BurskyAngel/IndividualGreenwich, Connecticut, United StatesAnalytics, Digital Marketing, MarketingGet dataGet dataDetails
Bill MahonePrivate Equity FirmGreenwich, Connecticut, United StatesAuto Insurance, oneforty acquired by HubSpot, Candidate.ID acquired by iCIMSGet dataGet dataDetails
Hank SpringPrivate Equity FirmGreenwich, Connecticut, United StatesE-Commerce, Fashion, LifestyleGet dataGet dataDetails
Matthew SwansonAngel/IndividualGreenwich, Connecticut, United StatesInvestment Management, IT Infrastructure, Clean EnergyGet dataGet dataDetails
David PerskiePrivate Equity FirmGreenwich, Connecticut, United StatesFinancial Services, Integrate acquired by Audax Private Equity, acquired by GustoGet dataGet dataDetails
Brandon PinderhughesPrivate Equity Firm, Venture Capital, Venture DebtGreenwich, Connecticut, United StatesInformation Services, Information Technology, AutomotiveGet dataGet dataDetails
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